Chromaphyosemion splendopleure ”Ebodje, ABC 05-46"
Chromaphyosemion splendopleure 'Ebodje, ABC 05-46'
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 Aphyosemion (Chromaphyosemion) splendopleure 'Ebodje, ABC 05-46'

Chromaphyosemion splendopleure ”Ebodje, ABC 05-46"

Described by: Brünning 1929
Genus: Aphyosemion
Subgenus: Chromaphyosemion
Species: splendopleure
Meaning of the name: refers to the shining sides of the males body
Type locality: Tiko, in western Cameroon
Habitat and distribution: Quiet parts of brooks and small streams in the coastal rainforest. Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon

Location code: Ebodje, ABC 05-46
Collector: Agnése, Brummet and Caminade
Type of location: a small stream 30 cm wide and 10 cm deep.
Other fishes at the same location: Aphyosemion ahli

Length: 5 cm
Type of killies:
plant spawner

Incubation time:
12-14 days in water
Size of the fry:
First food to the fry:
infusorians and new hatch artemia
Temperature in the aquarium: 22-24 C
Remarks: The males are variable in the color and it depends on age and temperament witch color they have at the moment.
How we keep them: We prefer to keep them in groups with 3-4 males and 4-6 females in a 40 liters aquarium with lots of floating hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum) , some snails and sometimes a small Ancistrus
sp. Normally we don’t collect the eggs, the fishes produce enough fry in the aquarium for our needs. The best way to breed them is to keep one pair in a small aquarium with peat, a floating mop and some plants for one week. After that the fishes are removed and hopefully there will hatch some fry after one more week. If I want to send a pair to a convention, I kept the pair in there own aquarium, so the fins on the male are as good as possible.

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